A Cambridge Rocket Club launch was held on November 11, 2018. The Cambridge Rocket Club hosted it’s first launch in 3 months on November 11, 2018, Remembrance Day. The club has not been able to utilize the Paisley Launch Site since August due to sod reseeding and hopes to return in the Spring of 2019. […]
Author: admin
August 11 2018 Launch Report
A Cambridge Rocket Club launch was held on August 11, 2018 under ideal weather conditions. A total of 23 members and guests participated and a total of 12 vehicles arrived on the Paisley Road launch site. A total of 65 model rockets were launched burning 76 model rocket engines ranging from “A” to “G” engines. […]
July 28 2018 Launch Report
The Cambridge Rocket Club hosted it’s second launch in July on the 28th of the month under challenging weather conditions which limited the number of participants. The forecast winds did pick up over the morning as expected (over 20 kph) but the brief shower was not anticipated. The cultivated field has been somewhat leveled making […]
July 15 2018 Launch Report
On July 15, 2018, the Cambridge Rocket Club completed it’s first of two scheduled launches in July. The event was delayed 24 hours due to forecasted poor weather conditions on July 14th. Launch day weather was hot (32 degrees C), humid, and very light winds less than 10 kph which constantly changed direction. The recently […]
June 29 2018 Mini-Launch Report
We completed a successful mini launch at the Paisley Launch Site on June 29, 2018 under hot and humid conditions, a clear blue sky and light winds. A total of 6 CRC members attended flying a total of 32 rockets. We managed to burn 35 engines with a total impulse of 1,921 Newtons. The calm […]
June 2 2018 Launch Report
The Cambridge Rocket Club set a new launch record on June 2, 2018 launching 128 model rockets into the sky. We started launching early at 10:30 in the morning when some of the Canadian Space Modelling Team members tested models for the upcoming Can-Am championships in Muskegon Michigan on June 9 & 10. The skies […]
May 12 2018 Launch Report
The Cambridge Rocket Club hosted a launch on May 12, 2018. The launch was held at the LS2 – Paisley Launch Site. Morning showers gave way to an overcast sky and mild winds by early morning. By the time the first rocket flew at 11:00 a.m. the temperature was 12 degrees C and the winds […]
April 22 2018 Launch Report
We completed a very successful Cambridge Rocket Club launch on Sunday April 22, 2018. The Paisley launch site was in good condition considering that it was covered with ice pellets during last week-end storm. There were small patches of snow on the ground and there were isolated wet spots in the field. The weather conditions […]